Web Performance
đź‘‹ Hey there
I love web performance. It is a mixture of the kinds of challenges I love.
This website is statically generated with Hugo for performance. Static site generators mean that useful HTML is prioritized first in what is delivered to a browser usually. For this reason therefore performance usually improves on some key metrics. It works pretty fast! It is also pretty basic because I like it that way sometimes.
Have you tried running tests before on websites? Consider checking out a local Lighthouse test run for a start:
Ideally you should be using several tools to gain a bigger picture. Local “lab” tests have limitations.
Then, in no particular order, I reccomend entering a website you are interested in into some of the following:
- Pagespeed Insights - https://pagespeed.web.dev/
- Yellow Lab Tools - https://yellowlab.tools/
- WebPageTest - https://www.webpagetest.org/
There are lots of resources out there, but first you should run some tests and get your curiosity flowing!
Next: Performance Monitoring, but first, run some tests!
All the resources and community are out there and it is just more a matter of sparking that initial interest to get you going is my philosophy.